Sunday, May 2, 2010

First Pool Day of the Season

Growing up in the land-locked Midwest, I was a pool kid. We had a nice public pool in my small town, and you could usually find me there most days of the summer. I wanted to be Esther Williams (am I dating myself?). Or a mermaid at Weeki Watchie (I had only read about those lucky girls).

When my mother moved to Florida in the 70's, she lived across the street from the BEACH! And, I was surprised to learn that I was drawn to, but also afraid of the ocean. It's so vast, so big and scary. I also discovered that I prefer not to share my swimming water with critters!

So, to my great delight, we moved to Florida in 2002, and live in a house with a pool! When I was a child, such a thing was too impossible to comprehend. Even now, I pinch myself once in awhile!

Every summer there is one day that is like no other. The pool deck and screen have been pressure-washed (living in a wooded area is sometimes for the birds!), the pool water has been heated to a comfortable temperature, and the sun is shining! Today was that day! Going in the pool for the first day each summer is like a religious experience -- I can feel my body relaxing, smoothing out, and coming alive! Long Live Summer!!


Autumn Leaves said...

Ah, Nancy! I had to laugh at your swimming preferences. They match my own! And a heated pool too? Heaven on earth! Not that I'd stuff this fat old body into a bathing suit when someone could actually see it...but still...a lovely thought.

Barbra Joan said...

Love your pool story, and glad to hear your having a good day. Will email soon.