Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Art

 "Paradise Birds"
8" x 10" Collage

8" x 10" Collage

So these are the two pieces I started in my collage class yesterday.  I don't know why, but it seems that whenever I'm teaching a class, I never like the pieces that I make!  But, I brought these home and finished them, and I'm liking them a whole lot better now!  Heck, I even decided to put the bird one on Etsy!


Barbra Joan said...

Good for you Nancy, these are great... one of these days your gonna make it into some mixed media art magazine...
glad to hear from you ... yes, it's been tough... but friends like you make it easier hugs, BJ

Barb Sailor said...

Nancy - your work is taking on an all new dimension - it is so strong and I feel you have gone in a very successful direction.

Nancy Eaton said...

Oh my gosh! Thanks to both of you for your nice comments! I still feel like I'm treading in unknown waters, but I like it!

Kay said...

awesome!!! Love these little gems.