Friday, August 29, 2014

Studio Finale!

Finally!  My art studio is pretty well put together.  Still a few boxes that I don't know what to do with, but all in all, I think I might be able to get busy soon!

I'm so lucky to have a practically full basement to use!  Here is my little sitting area and gallery.  Don't you love the ballroom floor!?

Where the work happens!  Still trying to get everything just where I want it, but for now, it's OK.

And, my little sewing area - cause I still love to sew stuff!

Finally, here are some mantras for me to use in the coming weeks - "Pick Me Ups" -  little sayings that I put together at Under the Cherry Blossoms in Mount Dora!  Gotta keep positive!


Joyfulartist said...

Looks so roomy! Just fabulous. I'm jealous already!

Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

What a great space you have…Looking forward to seeing what you create there :-)