Saturday, December 12, 2009

Watercolor Club Luncheon and Tom Jones

Friday was the Citrus Watercolor Club's Christmas Luncheon. We do a card exchange - if you bring a card, you will recieve another person's card - and this is the lovely card I received! This year they expanded it so that you could bring a card made from a print of one of your paintings. But, if you brought an original, you would receive an original (which is what I did).

And, we had Tom Jones back as our demonstrator after the luncheon! He's so wonderful! This time, he walked around the room showing each step of his demo.

And, the finished painting! I've been to his workshop, and I've watched his demo several times at club, and I watch his DVD's that I have -- I think I could pick his artwork out of a hundred different artists! And, he gave this original to our club, to be raffled off next year!

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