Friday, February 26, 2010

Another Sue Connor Class

Another fun, informative and exhausting class today with Sue Connor! We were told to bring photos of 5 paintings that we love. After examining why these painting speak to us, we were asked to "copy" one of them, trying to capture the essence - and then to put our own "spin" on them. One of my favorites was painted by "chrisaqua47" on Flickr. So, then, here is my rendition of his painting:

Not as good as his, but I did learn a lot from the exercise! Next, we were asked to bring a painting of ours that needed help. Well, I have quite a few, but decided on the one below:

And, here it is again, after some tweaking! I love it more now!

My daughter and I are meeting in Tampa on Sunday, and driving to Anna Maria Island for 3 days of fun and relaxing! It's such a lovely place- kind of "old Florida", with no condos or tall buildings - just a lot of beach and pretty scenery that I hope to capture with some photos to paint later on! Hope the weather cooperates! Should be in the 60's and 70's by now -- we'll see!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

1st Place Ribbon!

This weekend is our Watercolor Club's Show & Sale at the Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park. We award ribbons at this show - and this year I received 1st Place for my "First Blush" painting! You could have knocked me over with a feather! There are over 85 framed paintings (most of which I just swoon over) - and to think that I got this ribbon is very humbling and surprising! I've never, ever received a ribbon for anything! And, I even sold a couple of prints so far (the show ends later today)!
I'm in heaven!
I just received a call from the show -- my painting sold! This is the first framed painting I've ever sold! Can this day get any better? Well, it's in the 70's and sunny here, so it's just a great day all around!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tulips and Lemons

9" x 12" Watercolor
Yesterday, we had class without Marilee. Very odd, indeed! But, she is mending - so I hear - and we decided to keep the class going till she can return! We all took images to paint and layed them all out and we all did something different. It still was class with all our friends, and we had a good time, but it was obvious that our leader was missing!
I've been so busy making prints and cards, and getting ready for the Homossassa show this weekend! It's so much fun when the shows start, but it's madness getting everything ready! Hope I do better this year (since I only sold 2 bookmarks last year!) - don't think I could do worse! Fingers crossed!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Step Sisters

7" x 10" Watercolor
It's been awhile since my last post. My Monday watercolor class has been hit hard - our instructor, Marilee, suffered a heart attack last weekend. I understand that she is recovering, but still in the hospital right now. Hopefully, she will make a full recovery and all will be fine - but until then, we'll be painting without her. I didn't go to class this Monday, so I painted this during Tuesday's class.
I've been working on getting paintings framed and ready to change out the ones in the church and library. Also, the Citrus Watercolor Club has two shows coming up soon. We'll be Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park next weekend - and in the Rainbow Springs Park 2 weekends later. So, I've been making cards and prints for those shows.
I haven't gotten around to getting a painting done for Virtual Paintout yet this month. And, I really, really want to since the Paintout will be in San Francisco this month! I lived there for a year in the 80's - so I took a virtual tour of the city, finding the 2 apartments where I lived, and finding all the old places I used to go! I loved it there! So, hopefully, I'll find the time to actually make a painting in the next 2 weeks!
And, once again -- this stupid site won't let me show paragraph spacing! AAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Posies and a Touch of Greenery

9" x 12" Watercolor
I painted this yesterday in class. And, believe it or not, I'm pretty happy with it! I'm starting to feel more comfortable with my style of painting - of course, I do like some others more!
5" x 7" Watercolor
Then, in Pat's class today, we had just about 20 minutes left in class, and she brought out this very ugly silk plant for us to paint! It was all green on green, and we were to paint it very quickly! I guess it turned out ok.